Webinar Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs with the Association of Architects of Modena

Erasmus for young entrepreneurs: international mobility opportunities

Microfinanza, in collaboration with the Association of Architects in Modena, presents a Webinar dedicated to the opportunities of the Erasmus For Young Entrepreneurs program special architecture!

Tuesday, October 24, 2023 | 5 p.m. – 7 p.m.
ZOOM Platform

Register to the event

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a cross-border exchange program that offers to self-employed professionals and associations to be supported free of charge by one or more international collaborators, for a period of 1 to 6 months.
This collaboration is a valuable opportunity to open up to new ways of working, new markets, while passing on their skills.

Are you a young professional and want to participate in an exchange abroad?
The program offers you the opportunity to work alongside an experienced entrepreneur in one of the participating countries and strengthen your skills to develop your professional project. Financial support is provided to cover travel and accommodation costs.

Are you an experienced professional willing to host a young European entrepreneur?
The program allows you to collaborate with young international professionals, develop international contacts and make grow your business.

Participation in the program is free and easy. Microfinance directly supports host entrepreneurs and new entrepreneurs at all stages of the application: from registration on the platform, to finding the right profile to collaborate with, to managing and monitoring the exchange created.

To get more information join us to the WEBINAR!
Dowload the leaflet with the program of the webinar


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